I wanted to give my students something for Christmas. After a bit of debating, I decided to do what I would normally do "at home" - origami. Now, I know this might seem ridiculous - me, making origami for Korean children... but I did two things they are not used to. First, I glittered it! (It simply can not be Christmas without glitter.) Also, I made them ornaments - which is different because few people here have Christmas trees. Even if they don't have a tree, I suggested that they put it on a door knob or something.

Stars and trees and hearts and cranes, oh my!
Each student got a handwritten note and then the younger students also got an origami gift. For the "littles" (my youngest students) - the girls got these hearts (which I think I used to make with my Grandmother, btw). I put their notes inside. They have not seen them before and loved them.
Lots of origami. My friend, Anna, helped LOTS. She is a fantastic origami coach.
delightful. :-) you're such a thoughtful teacher.