
Christmas loot!

Looks like Santa could still find me... even though I moved from SC to Indiana to Korea over the last 6 months.  Here is a picture of my loot from students and a few cards from other teachers.  A couple of my students made me very nice cards - and then I had the notes inside translated, because they wrote in Korean.  Ha.  The chips and candy pictured here were in the large "plastic stocking bag" - a gift from one class to me.  This is sort of a big deal, because Koreans don't really have Christmas.  It is a bit like a quiet, subtle "valentine's-type" holiday - more for couples.  People simply don't send cards or give gifts.
 Merry Christmas to me!  Christmas Eve was a fun day - I had to work normal hours, but we had out Christmas party at school (which was a program - good times, but also a ton of work) and then we had smaller parties, as well.  Pizza and chips and candy ... yum yum.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Hannah from Indiana! Great adventures, and thank God you had a wonderful Advent and Christmas activities- so how did it look from up high over Waikiki beach? Great girl, and God loves you. Take care, and happy teaching in Gwangju...
