"REJOICE in the Lord always; and, again, I say REJOICE." -- Psalm 100
As the third week of Advent begins, I finally finished my Advent wreath! This is no small feat in Korea, mind you. First, we had to find something for the green wreath part. There are some Christmas wreaths in Korea - they are already decorated (um, not quite the way I would do it, to put it nicely) - and the embellishments are glued on, so there is no help for it. Oh, did I mention that a SMALL (ugly) wreath, if you know one of the few places to find it - would be around $75 here. Um, no thank you.
So, as I was out and about doing other things, I was also on the hunt for a decent wreath, or actually just for some greenery so I could make my own.
Finally, we found the Christmas section of the Electronics Mart and "talked" (which is more interesting since I do not know Korean yet) the lady into just selling us two bundles of greenery. (for about $4 each, hooray)
Candles are also not as readily available or decently priced here. Additionally, I wanted specific candles (three purple, one pink, one center white...).
This is what we (my friend helped me hunt for items) came up with. I actually do have a larger almost white candle, but there wasn't room for it so I'm just using this yellowish one and pretending it is white. I had to use paper Korean dixie cups for holders (hey, it was either that or old Jagger. shotglasses, which somehow just didn't seem appropriate), but it works.
I can still use this as a reminder to prepare for what Christmas is really all about - that Jesus came to earth, to be my Lord and Savior; to live, die, and rise, for me and for you. What a time for rejoicing!

beautiful and resourceful Advent wreath! I'm glad the rejoicing is just as genuine way over in Korea. :-)