
Bye, Bye, Baby girl ~ Shabu Shabu and first bowling in Korea!

  Our friend, Sasha, was leaving Korea for some other adventures, so we took her to dinner.  Here are Anna and Sasha, waiting for the grub:
Dinner was "shabu, shabu", like a brothy stew in the center of the table.  You can toss the beef in, or dunk it once, twice (saying, "shabu, shabu") and then pullit out and eat it.  This meal comes with tons of sides - kimchi, pickles, floating rice cake, etc.  I like the stew part.
   Here I am, waiting on the mushrooms to simmer.  The pile of meat to my right is the thinly sliced beef.
Here I am, posing for a picture.  Next to me is Andrew, one of Sasha's friends.  Will also came out to bid her farewell, but he apparently dodged the camera at dinner.  Hmm.  Andrew looks thrilled.
After dinner, we headed to the bowling alley.  You can take your own food and drinks into bowling.  It was my first time bowling in Korea.  I love bowling, so I was super excited; though we were a bit sad to say goodbye to Sasha.  (It's not so sad now, because it's taken me months to post this - and by now Sasha has been to Canada, Argentina for a few months, even New York city to do some shopping, and will be returning to Korea in a few weeks.)
Inside, the bowling alley is pretty much the same here.  Of course, the balls are more brightly colored and some have glitter.  Welcome to Korea.
Our group bowling -- Brian, Will, Hannah, Anna, Sasha, and Andrew.  Some Koreans jumped into the back of the picture - they LOVE to do this.  It just makes us laugh.

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