Even for those who really know me, I can be a bit difficult to surprise. However, Class K definitely surprised me Thursday. To start with, I guess I should explain a bit about Class K. They are fifth and sixth graders, let's just say not the most advanced English students.
From what I've gathered so far, (our new school year started in March), this lack of advancement is more a lack of motivation than anything. Mainly for this reason and how class has gone the last few months, I consider most of class K some of my "opportunity students." (They have the opportunity to better; I have the opportunity to grow as a person and in patience as I do NOT punch someone in the face who desperately needs it.)
A few weeks ago, class took a turn for the worse. I tried "tough love". I tried being mean, I tried being nice. I tried reviewing class rules, and then having this class help re-write them so they had a part in how their class shapes up. I tried rewards. I tried everything I could think of. Mostly, this was to no avail. The actual problem is lack of support at home - so even kicking students out of class or sending home a "0" doesn't often do much. (there is more to this, to be explained in another blog perhaps)
So, Thursday, between classes, I re-filled my water bottle (and emptied the water I already drank). As I walked back from the bathroom to get my books from my desk, two students from class K met me in the hallway. "Oh, Teacher. Wait. Please. You, wait. No come class. Wait ten, ah, wait minute." Of course, all that is within me fully expected the worst. My suspicions were awakened. I narrowed my eyes and said, "Why?"
They looked nervously at each other. "Oh, no. Just wait. Please." Again, "Why?" "Errr, we can't tell you." They seemed sincere, but come on, this is class K. There is no way I can just go late to class.
I told them class was to start in one minute, but I would ask their Korean teacher. I hunted down Hyeon-Seong. When I asked why they might want me to come late, she suddenly smiled and said, "Oh, it is okay. No really. You wait here, err, five minutes. I will watch them. In the hall." She promptly took off towards class K's room.
A different teacher leaned back from her chair to say, "Class K? Oh no! I wouldn't leave them unattended."
A few minutes later, I found myself walking towards the classroom. Hyeon-Seong teacher was in the - hallway, but quickly left. The room was dark. I could hear muffled voices from inside.
As I opened the door, ALL of class K lunged towards me! They flipped on the lights. They were yelling, "Hooray for Hannah Teacher!" (later saying this was because when I inquire how they are, anyone responding with "I am happy." of course gets a "Hooray!" from me) Then they sprayed "snow from a can". Ohmygaserangee! This is like silly string in a can - meant for parties and surprises. It comes from the can, all in one big floof. It actually lands like shaving cream all over you; but instantly "pops" like bubbles in the air. SUPER FUN.
The kids were all giggly and huddling close. I took a step back, for sure.
They were SO proud of how they decorated. They "made" me a cake:
They also decorated the board - balloons and notes from the whole class. I resisted the urge to instantly correct their grammar. There is a time for correcting and a time to just let them enjoy the moment and to be appreciative.
Next, they said, "Party! Party day. We looooove you, so no work today!" I smiled and said, "Oh yes, party, party! Then, because I do care about you, we WILL do some work today." Oh, to hear the groans and complaining, "No, Teacher." Ha.
Truth be told, I didn't much feel like working, either... it is finally getting warmer out and I am def. in summer vacation (which we do NOT have here, btw) mode... Class K had earned a treat, so I actually took them cookies. It was a day to party.
However, we did have to do SOME work... so I told them that if they REALLY liked me, they would be diligent. (Did they remember this vocabulary word from a few weeks ago? We talked about it in-depth because it is one of my fav. words.) I told them if they REALLY liked me, they would try their very best and they would be kind to each other and listen when others talked... Again, "Teacher!" Ha ha.
Towards the end of class, the girls told me they didn't want to erase the board. They had worked on it, so we decided to take a picture. As I snapped the board shot, one boy said, "Oh. Teacher. Look. We work. You take picture. Might not again." Now, that was funny. It's true - I needed a picture, because this was perhaps a rare occasion. So the boys really WERE more diligent Thursday, and here is a picture to prove it. Okay, apparently Yeoung-Chang has had enough (he put his head down) and James, as usual, is looking at the girls... but four out of six isn't too bad, not for this bunch!
Um, I guess the picture of the girls from class K doesn't show them on their best behavior. Olivia really looks like I just caught her with her hand in the cookie jar. (?) I am not used to seeing her face, because she is usually trying to talk to the people behind her. (even if I put her in the back, she looks out the window; if I put her in the front, she looks behind; if I put her in the hall, she behaves for the next class...) Poor Sey-Eun, she has an injured arm and that mean Hannah Teacher still made her write her presentation. Guess the party is over.
Hooray, indeed!
Aww, that is so sweet. It's nice to have a little reward for all your frustration and trouble. :-) Why do they call you "Hannah Teacher"?
ReplyDeleteI love it, Hannah. Hang in there and never give up on those that seem like they are learning the least or even the least interested. Often those are the students upon whom we make the greatest impression/impact, and the difference we make for them may appear much later in life. You're doing great, Hannah, and I truly do love your sense of humor.