Some more pictures from when I visited Eric in Hawaii in January:
You know me and trees...

Sun over the mountains...
The waves were so big that they knocked us down, even Eric! Wow.
I like that the vegetation is so varied in Hawaii.
A closer look at those trees... Um, I may have been driving and playing photographer with the blackberry...
Being chauffeured to Sunset Beach...
Hannah. Happy, relaxed, and comfortable.
SO ready to get some sun!
Yup, my boyfriend is super cool.
Big waves.
There's the beach!
This was a great beach to pick up little round bead-like shells.
Ooo... kissy face!
Two happy sunset watchers.
Wait'n on the sunset. Just hanging out and talking a bit.
More big waves. I love the ocean!
They were quite serious about not going in the water.
Getting closer to sunset.
More trees!
The sun, setting.
Watching the sunset... and watching Eric. Tee he he.
Our feet. Not fancy, but comfortable.
Are you look'n at ME?
Hannah at the beach.
Why does my beach buddy always take this picture? I never know until later...
There were others out on this beach, too.
Mountains not too far from Eric's house.
The blue blue water. This was at the beach I went to most days when Eric had to go to work.
I could go in this water, carefully. I like the mountains right by the ocean.
Relaxing. Soothing. Still some serious waves, don't be fooled.
Neat clouds on the drive home.
Looks like it is gonna storm...
Driving to "town" (Honolulu) by myself...
Another tree, of course.
Getting closer to the ocean.